Merry Christmas
... My muscle pull may linger and nag for a few weeks but it will heal. I know many others whose unexpected pain will never completely leave or let their life be normal again. Once again I must be grateful. This happens in the moments when od’ed on ibuprofen I feel good enough to have empathy for others.
The stuff of Christmas letters: Erik our oldest son teaches history and English at Elmwood High School, his fiancé Laura Stewart is a guidance counselor at IVC in Chillicothe. They have set the date of their wedding for July 9th, 2016. Alex will complete his last semester of law school at Saint Louis University this spring. He will take the bar exam in late July. He has excellent skills. Life will lead him to a career somewhere. He likes Saint Louis. I hobble through life much like I have the last ten days as a source of occasional amusement to my wife and sons. Nancy is the regional vice president for the Illinois/Indiana division of Mosaic. Nancy is a frequent traveler or marathon phone user when in her home office.
The home office is the source of documents or bundles of potential misery. We live in a world without privacy yet greatly inconvenience our lives by ritual forms of privacy. I googled how many Steve Davis’ are there in the world; two of my posts came up. I am going to just throw a number out there 1 million 450, 000 Steve Davis’s in the world, but I can’t confirm that number. Google did not return a quick answer and then I got distracted by another cat meme, drifted off, and almost forgot this letter. I will tell you it is true, like Donald Trump I can assure you if you just believe it, everything will be great. If you want photos or other musings of mine then search for Shiresteve – you will likely find links to me. I have begun posting more photos on Flickr for the non-facebook users who might want to see them. I also am rededicating myself to the website this year. ...