Year 2020 Dec. 22, 2020
Oh, my it’s Christmas – maybe, not
really sure
My annual (on the years I did one) letter to add the straw that breaks your formidable camel back. Somehow my hump has transmigrated to my front. This year 2020 vision became defined as a dark and ominous cloud of uncertainty. If I am honest, and I may as well be, everyone is angered up all the time anyway. I rather liked much of 2020. Of course, I didn’t have a job to lose, or kids at home with everyone fighting over the Internet like it was the last snickerdoodle. I did have the questioning thought like many pets have had this year, didn’t humans used to leave? In my case Nancy always left for work or a visit with friends. Eventually when I needed more people space, I would stuff the Crossfire full of survival gear and destination drive usually to places devoid of people.
I will break free -- safely
Straight news upfront. My mother at 92 is well, if still interminably stubborn. Nancy’s mother at 98 is well, but the lack of social interaction has made her year challenging. Winifred was always a go’er. Nancy, the Karen of Covid, has kept us safe even from potential threats of children and grandson. Somehow, she lost weight this year, while working completely remotely (she fidgets). Erik had shingles at the start of school, and then Covid-19 over Thanksgiving. Laura caught Covid-19 the week of Thanksgiving. James seemed to not show much effect if he had it. Laura’s parents also got Covid-19 about the same time as Erik. Laura and her parents had relatively mild cases. Erik ran a temp, followed by extreme tiredness, and has yet to recover a sense of taste and smell. Erik and Alex grew isolation beards this Spring, not a pretty sight. Alex and Joni Moore were going to get married in July but postponed their wedding. Joni has been working at OSF as an RN this year. She has received the first dose of the vaccination. They bought a house in Groveland, convenient to Morton and Peoria where Alex's firm has offices.
James did suffer a lack of grandfather time during his family’s bouts with Covid. He was also kept away for the full quarantine days, by my Karen. My argument that he was too cute to be a Covid spreader landed on deaf ears and a pragmatic heart. While locked in my Covid-Cave Nancy simply put her headphones in and ignored me. She isolated me because I had been more exposed to James, therefore she viewed me as a threat. After two negative tests she released me. James returned last week and on Monday. May you find half the joy in your life he does in his, you will be blessed. That’s the Covid update, Nancy and I both cook. Meals at home are good, too good. We will carefully navigate the Covid Winter and then vaccines will force us to resume a more normal life. I have gotten used to the new normal but look forward to trips waiting to be taken. No update on concert tickets given as Christmas and birthday presents to Nancy last year. Both scheduled for April were postponed, sort of indefinitely. Maybe in 2021 things will change.
Mom needed a new photo for
her gun owners permit Fall 2020