Become the Hostage Takers
The Republican and Democratic parties have been in charge for 150 years, they have had all this time to make third party efforts difficult. Raising public awareness for third parties is curtailed by laws and practice. It is difficult to get on the ballot, be included in debates, or to be a part of bi-partisan commissions, being bi after all.
Parties are vehicles to achieve elected office, they are not liberal or conservative.
There is only one path that can lead to better policies a new democratic movement must become an integral part of the Democratic Party. This will require a significant redirection of the Democratic party's Internet and social networking approaches. It will require demands to the DCCC and Obama 2012 to do this, so that we can fight back against special interest money. (I am aware that many in the Democratic party are happy being beholden to special interest money.) Democratic party officials still want to win elections.
When someone signs up with the DCCC, Obama 2012, or DSCC they should become a member of their Congressional District's Virtual Caucus. A little money for web development and hiring a few moderators could build an effective tool. A powerful tool to develop a strong electoral block. Each Democratic effort will waste more money on T-shirts than the creation of the virtual caucus will cost.
States define party affiliation differently (Illinois voting in a primary as a Democrat). Invitations to those identified as Democrats in every district should be the start of re-energizing the Democratic Party. ...