Right Wing Hatred by Carl Pridemore
I have not seen her since our high school days. We were reunited on Facebook and we caught each other up with our lives.
Elizabeth Double DoubleyourVoice.net
I learned she was running for office, as a Democrat, in an Illinois state election. We discussed many issues. When I say discussed, I mean discussed, there were no cross words, no hurt feelings. I think we both were surprised on how many issues we agreed. Seeing her posting, I asked if she truly believed the statements. She replied yes and the part of why she said yes, that struck a chord with me, was, "the anger and hatred and violent actions taken by a vocal minority against Obama..." Hatred? Violent actions? What did she mean? I asked for an example. Mind you, just one example. Not a single example was given. There were others that joined us with their comments on this string. All but one were agreeing with my friend and spouting their own inaccurate statements. I extended the offer to whoever would take the challenge, give me proof of these heinous acts. Educate me.