Christmas 2010
At this time last year I thought Dad was doing OK, he had talked of being tired. He had really wanted to chat with me as I called home. He went in to the hospital on Jan. 18. First reports were fine except for an elevated white cell count, then I heard about a bone marrow test. He was transferred to Iowa City. I took Mom to Iowa City that night as it was raining and freezing. We ended up in the median on 218 just four miles from our motel. No damage went in slowly on snow covered and very soft ground; but we were not moving. I thought as I was losing control of the car I didn’t know if it was rear wheel or front wheel drive. I thought maybe I should have questioned that earlier. AAA and a wonderful tow truck driver got us on our way. Even though I came out headed south on the northbound lanes. I could carefully turn around without traffic as the highway was closed down. We got to our motel undamaged, unharmed, .. gift of grace.
February 2009
I thought as the diagnosis began of treatments with extended stays in Iowa City, but the more they learned the worse the prospects. My father’s acceptance of such devastating news was a great example to me; he maintained his humor and quiet determination to finish up those necessary decisions. When there was nothing that could be done he wanted to go home and we did. He died on February 9th just 17 days short of his 82nd birthday. He said he had a good life. The warm feelings, comfort, and prayers extended to all of us were truly uplifting. He did indeed live a good life; he was at peace, and so am I. Such sadness brought me back home to so many friends and family an experience so warm and touching. .. gift of love.