Motivation comes from having a task to do. Everyone wants to be a part of the solution. We will be far stronger with many hands, many minds, and many voices. I suggested how with small steps everyone could undertake, they could save the Palace. I wrote this essay called Practical Steps. All of the ever growing number of fans on the save the palace Facebook group simply need to buy a ticket once a month. If everyone of the Facebook fans put $5 to $10 a month in the fund, the Palace will be rebuilt. I have already done my first month donation, have you?
Click for larger image also read Palace Wednesdays
Even as demolition is part of the downtown so is repair and revival. The new home of the Elmwood Pharmacy is starting to look very nice.
I suppose I look like I never exercised, but I once did. I have worked very hard at times in my life. Whether you are tossing bales or running football drills, there comes a moment you must push yourself through it. If you do, you finish, it will become automatic; you will persevere.