Making the Majority the Majority
A Path to Power
November 16, 2016
... The Democratic Party on a national basis must organize a digital community or caucus in every Congressional district. It should include every voter in the Democratic primary and every voter who wants to join. We should develop our agenda ideas through these communities and we should find our candidates from them. Young voters will be enthusiastic to support and campaign for young candidates they have elected through these communities. The existing county party system must be a part, but the county system is obsolete. We need apps, a secure web site, moderated debates, and direct dialog to elected representatives. The building blocks are available to build a modern effective digital party; we simply need to pick them up and put them to use. We must build our own digital wall, an apropos metaphor after Trumpquake. We have rudimentary examples of the needed framework: Obama for America, Daily Kos, electronic databases of voters, but they are not organized by Congressional district. They have not created involved communities in every congressional district. We need a unified official party system to achieve electoral success. We as a party can bring policy and people together. We must build a digital party with easy dialog between community members. We then can move on beyond our congressional caucuses to outreach of our members' friends and independent contacts. Why do we not have an organized uber-like system of drivers for rides to the polls in each precinct? Why is there no official Democratic Party app for distributing candidate petitions to put people on the ballot? The answer is we have not embraced the modern world in our party, and we are not actually committed to success.
Actual photo of a Forgottonia storm - do not deny the power of the land or its people. I saw this shared on Facebook, but lost who to credit it to. If someone claims it, I will link to their site.
What can we do? Rant on Facebook, tweet into the raging twitter storm, or place notes of angst in bottles then toss them into the sea?
This is the first step. I ask you to consider what I am presenting. Debate it in the Forgottonia Facebook group. Tweet links to this essay or at me ( @shiresteve ) on Twitter. When I post this on Daily Kos or Tumblr interact with it. Ideas are powerful. Practical good ideas can change the balance of power in this country. We, again actually I, must share this idea. After our upcoming dialogs, then you with your party contacts and your friends will become the we. We must beat the drum until someone listens. I do not possess a loud enough voice. We must grow until our voice is a strong chorus heard by our Democratic leaders. We can gain enough power to be effective agents of progress. We must be committed to change and we must become the Democratic Party from township dogcatcher to President of the United States. In each congressional district at every level a Democratic Party that is a forum, dialog, and coordinator of effective action.
We can do this sitting down using our smartphones, laptops, and touchpads. We can still have coffee; it makes everything better. No one is called to pick up a musket and charge a fortified position. We can wield far more power than the Union troops of the civil war. We can rally the will of the American people to vote in an election. The Democratic Party has lost local connection and local action; digital parties designed to suit the lifestyles of today, organized by congressional district is the first step.
Hillbilly Secession II -- Name-calling or Identity Politics
Our war is just as real but we do not need to take up arms and charge into raging violence.