The Steve: "not mad when gulf oil rigs allowed with out safety shut offs like Deepwater Horizon, Outsourced to Black Water unaccountable for money or atrocities, went for no regulation of financial system, light the match and watched it all burn down." Of course the tone of a screed is to get on a roll and feed off the emotion, not unlike a comedy routine. So in a screed you need to make it conform to the POV and ignore the true complexity of issues.
So I've invited two of the other Facebook commentors to provide the facts as they stated in their comments. We'll see if they follow through. I will post anything they have written in their own words and then I will respond to their points. I will go back to Facebook and invite the discussion. Anyone may enter the discussion send me an email with your thoughts. just email: The Steve
I have had a reply and I will publish Carl Pridemore's essay. Here is something on his life story. Carl's Bio
Speaking of Facebook controversies there is a page with a joke that is a pray for Obama's death with a million followers and page with almost a million to take it down. I think the so called joke is an inappropriate Facebook page, but others do not.
Why because with sons like mine wouldn't you post a picture of them?