Take them in detail:
Trump the wizard of celebrity
March 10, 2016
... because they were slaves as he saw without value in a moral sense. He also is credited with being the founder of the Ku Klux Klan after the war. It is not surprising his heroic statue in Memphis TN is so controversial now. Focusing on his military generalship at Brice Crossroads and not his racist violent nature, he pulled off an amazing victory in 1864. The Union forces were far superior, he took advantage of his knowledge of the climate and the terrain, he acted boldly, a little recklessly, and he won a complete victory. The Union forces were defeated in detail. The Devil Forrest must have influenced Trump’s opponents from beyond. They have allowed Trump to defeat them in detail. Many of us have played Sid Meier’s Civilization games and one thing you learn is never attack someone in a piecemeal fashion. First assemble an overwhelming force with multiple capabilities. As the defender you can only hope an opposing leader sends troops at you in a strung out fashion. This has been the losing strategy of Trump’s opponents and the establishment efforts to stop him. He has eliminated his opponents one at a time and now has only Cruz and Kasich. Kasich has no hope of winning outright. Cruz has less than great odds of either getting to this magic number of 1237 or being the choice of a brokered convention. Trump opponents did not understand the terrain or the climate of the electorate. They failed to comprehend that the anger was not just the feigned kind generated by right media over contrived scandals. The Reagan coalition is angry knowing something fundamental is wrong with government. They have been trained to be immune to data, facts, and expert opinion. Reagan’s Party is now an enraged bull charging at anything that triggers their fears. Those old enough still believe Hillary personally killed and toted Vince Foster’s body to Fort Marcy Park. They know Hillary has an evil nature and alien strength. Those younger ones know Obama is a secret Muslim bringing immigrants to institute Sharia law in America. When rationality is not part of the discussion, truth does not matter. Their rage is real and they want to howl at the moon; Trump’s baying is the loudest and most primal.
Brice Crossroads Nathan B Forrest's great tactical victory
March 15 with the winner take all primaries in large delegate states like Florida and Ohio are another hurdle. If The Donald sails to first in the March 15th states, it is nominee Donald J Trump. The Trump for Prez campaign may yet unravel, it seems everyone is promoting a hostile story now. Some of these stories like MSNBC attacking for his statement all "Islam hates us" will likely just keep his supporters loyal and ready to hit the polls on Tuesday. I don’t think the Republican Party understands Reagan’s Party. The elites can not stop their self-delusion about Reagan’s Party. The tacticians do not understand the terrain and the climate of Trump’s realm, strike one. They look past the strength of Trump’s troops in the primary, strike two. They will continue to assault the kingdom of Trump in a disjointed attack, strike three. The fat cats of the GOP/Tea Party envision a different party than those in Trump’s movement; they will continue to deny the true nature of the party they have created because fat cats never admit their mistakes. They are too comfortable wrapping themselves in the magic blanket of a unified conservative ideology, the center right nation. After this 2016 election when the war is over and Republican Party is sifting through the ashes of their defeat, there will be no autopsy. There will be three factions all claiming the mantle of Reagan. I don’t believe Donald Trump is a serious general election threat, but he is unpredictable and he has a populous appeal. Trump jumps around on issues violating any orthodoxy on policy; I think he would be a tougher opponent in November than Cruz. Maybe we will see a brokered convention making cable news ecstatic, but a brokered convention will be a November flop for the GOP/Tea. Team up with Trump and pretend they are a united party or broker the convention and splinter. No matter what the future holds in primary elections or in Cleveland; the party created over the past three decades of false narrative and wedge issue politics has imploded. Even the Wizard of the Saddle surrendered when the war was lost. I suppose it would pay to watch Donald Trump and his populist nativist faction to see what actions they undertake during Reconstruction.
Many of Trump's supporters view Reconstruction as protrayed by DW Griffith - not the true facts of history