Once again on the road
Vision Quest or a trip to Mesa Verde?
9/30/17 8:54 PM
I had brushed teeth and shaved then rain became more ominous;. I sat in car while it rained. I then drove up campground office and grabbed a shower. I eat a peanut butter sandwich, and drank a little more cold coffee. After 24 hours out here in car It was not even Luke warm. I then drove to start point of the ranger tour of Balcony House. I also did ranger tour of Long House at 2 PM. I ate food tonight – talked briefly to campsite neighbor and gave him two of my apples.. I am in tent. I am going to try and avoid allowing my body and the tent to get so cold. My Up3 reported I had a rather good night of deep sleep. Shivering yourself from cold to get to sleep must be a good thing.
On a more spiritual philosophical note the ranger at balcony house asked us to consider what makes us human. He is in a graduate anthropology program – I think we are potential source material. One young boy suggested skin – a few had various answers. I suggested it was we were self-aware. He said to think about it and he would ask again. They talked about struggle with the elements of survival. Some suggested working with others, someone suggested persistence carried through a rough patch. It was impressive the way the Ancient Pueblo turned cliff caves into villages. He asked after tour was about to end while still in cliff dwelling had we had any new thoughts on what makes us human. I said we adapt our environment. I think we adapt to our environment as do other creatures, but humans also adapt their environment. Our adaptive efforts do sometimes produce unforeseen consequences; Erik called this my Vision Quest. I called it my trip to Mesa Verde. It is a great way to ponder the essence of humanity. I like to camp, not because I love to camp. I do feel it puts me closer to the ancient people surviving the elements. It makes me more aware of the intertwining of spirit and body. I try to unravel the connective essence of life. It is important to be forced to come a little closer to survivalist life. The ancients didn’t have a safety net. Their biggest concerns were not the availability of good wifi and cell service. They grew crops and made decisions to store them for survival. They made a location choice of available water; a true life or death decision in a desert like climate. I like that I try to stay with the food I brought. I am out of cold coffee and I have found the camp general store has coffee possibly even from fresh ground beans – I may have to fall back on my safety net tomorrow. I am not able to do all the hundred things I want to on this trip. I mean sit and write, catch up on my reading, maybe find my Spirit Animal (that was for Erik).
After arrivng and setting up tent at Mesa Verde a hail storm occured - taken from inside tent
I am here and have seen the dwelling first hand. Seeing a hundred more will not advance me too far. I have no, have to do, things on this trip, just want to do things. The first day I saw the storm coming. I got in tent to let it pass by. I signed up for a class Walking with Jesus and attended the first session a week ago. There is a book assigned. I decided to pull it out during the wait. Thunder, lightening, wind, and hail ensued. Maybe that Spiritual Walk got a little closer to life and death. Actually I learned today someone in the park did get hurt from a lightening strike, yesterday. Maybe this journey is to contrast our façade of control and power in the modern, provided for world, with the survival existence of the ancients. Peoples who made real choices where consequences were facing life and death. My study book to accompany my walk with Jesus did start with bang and an awakening. I saw hail and thought how much hail can this flimsy, cheapest available at Gander on short notice, tent withstand. It seemed a very relevant question yesterday afternoon. Weather is supposed to get even better the next few days, tonight being the coldest. Cold I am, beginning to feel sleepy turning in,-- until morning.
Long House - Mesa Verde
10/1/17 12:12 PM
I got up earlier but driving from campground to sites can be a 15-mile drive. I missed sunrise; tomorrow I will be earlier and packed with more knowledge. I went to sun temple prayed, meditated, read my devotion book for class. It was a nice experience it is not worship as done with others in the church community. I did reflect on my study book, and I have decided everyone can be a Methodist within in any Spiritual community. I do not mean everyone is an United Methodist or that everyone should be.