Once again on the road
Vision Quest or a trip to Mesa Verde?
Epilog – the Vision Quest thing
We must ignore the rants of the mad. We must build amongst ourselves networks of support. We must not runaway from but participate in the electoral and legislative process. We must vote. We are the majority, but many from the forces of the power brokers would try to split us and weaken our true strength. We must continue to build the American ideal. We must continue to be the American Dream. When as will inevitably occur the hallucinogenic partisan faction of outrage awakes, we must act as the loving father in the story of the prodigal son. We must invite them back as partners in building humanity’s future. We must then bring them back as fellow citizens sharing in the burdens and responsibilities of building the American ideal.
Our deluded brethren will return only as a few drops at first, but eventually almost all will come back to a day lighted by truth and human commonality. For now, we must ignore and not engage the fever possessed. No evidence of corruption, no outrage, no appeal to the reality of injustice will break their perception while within the cult. We must pursue truth and seek justice in a loving way. We must identify our own flaws, our own behaviors that are obstacles to power. We must perfect ourselves in the vision of America that has always been and will once again be the aspiration of the world, if we seek to be more perfect ourselves, we will build a more perfect union. These are my suggestions to all of us who resist this evil and those complicit in it.
I will individually not strike back at the strikes of our outraged and deluded citizens. I will resist using the sharp needle of my rhetorical foil. My addressing the falseness of their assertions is of no use while they are consumed with the fever. I must concentrate on first what I can do? I can be honorable and loving. I can look at others with empathy and speak up for justice. I can exist not as an accuser or propagandist, but as an authentic, pragmatic, man of fact. I can emulate the great men whose being encompassed not selfishness or pettiness, but reached out in empathy for all. I can become like the people who saw our potential to actuate a higher plane of human existence.
My suggestions to all of you who seek to repair this disaster we are in, is to first try to seek humanity’s higher plane. A suggestion in doing something concrete. I would corruptly paraphrase the great Frederick Douglass whose deeds are gaining more recognition every day. Participate, participate, participate – vote in every election.
Cliff Palace Mesa Verde
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
I have one last thought from the vision quest. I had a long period of procrastination. I am prone to procrastination it has served me well. Often restraining me from initiating a dangerous fad diet, buying into a poor fashion choice, or becoming involved in an ill-advised relationship. This time I procrastinated over my response to a personality struggle I became involved in as I returned from my trip. It has been almost a month now and my life has resumed the groove of the mundane. I did try to observe my new rules of interaction, not just online but in person. In the long run my moment of prayer and renewed commitment to remain tranquil to reflect a peaceful presence may have helped me. In the moment of the fray sometimes the waters are filled with whitecaps and the boat rocky. I continued to retreat into activities my wife sees as indolence, but I counter as reflection, rebuilding strength, and preparation for a marathon of exertion. Even though, she may have yet to see this marathon of exertion; I would assure her it is about break free. Actually I only sulked into my hibernation cave for a week or two. I have moved on with the help of my family who always strengthen me and lift me up. This one, last thoughtful exploration, nagged at me, and I needed to attempt to phrase it.
The wake of even a small boat ripples across the lake for a long time after it is past