Return of the Whigs
A New Path after the Fall
October 1, 2016
This is all masked by power and wealth. The policies wealth buys from the power brokers are not in the best interests of wealth in the long run. Power and wealth give the illusion of shrewdness and insight. Often the policies lobbied for are simply venal and shortsighted. The coalition of culture war allies armed with think tank policies from New Deal haters has lead to disastrous experiments. Financial and fiscal failures in the states of Louisiana and Kansas are the direct result of modern austerity Reaganism; the extremism of the modern GOP party have brought simple corporate corruption in Wisconsin. A star athlete can avoid all responsibility for personal failings when the team is winning. Losing brings forth the recriminations and the Republican Party is about to lose and lose big. The Nativists and the Fundamentalists will grow more unified in their own tribe with each pushing a separate agenda. Their dwindling numbers will not allow them to wield much national power. The only thing saving the Republican majorities in Congress and state legislatures is likely voters. If the majority of voters can continue to be dissuaded or disenfranchised the GOP will retain power. If millenials, minorities, and progressives start voting then power leaves the GOP. Wealth will then try new avenues to influence power.
Seth Meyers A Claser Look, funny and so sad it is true
Only election failure will bring a new resurgent Republican Party. This new party may need to be more like the Whigs. The Whig Party supported public/private partnerships to develop infrastructure. They wanted government to help guide economic growth. They sought social compromise to keep political divisions from disturbing society’s advances. The Whigs were for an egalitarian approach to politics. I think this type of party will form to replace the current Republican Party. If the True-Trumpers or the Latter Day Fundies have identified too fully as the Republican Party, then this new group will need a new name. A party that has the potential to become a national majority again need not seek a new age label for its adherents to identify with. They could choose to be the new Whigs. The party still has a newspaper in Quincy IL. This new Whig party might be one that Lincoln, Twain, and Grant would support; those historic Republicans could not support the current Republican Party.
If Gaurdians of the Galaxy 2 is a big enough hit,
maybe the racoon could return as a popular mascot for the new Whig Party