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Right Wing Hate; Left Wing Threats
Media attempts to fit news to a narrative. It extends beyond what newspaper people would call "Editorial Judgment" determining what is front page and what is not. Somehow there is a more encompassing group think a blinders of beltway bubble psychology that seems to control the political class. I do not know why this exists, but I guess the Internet mitigates it by allowing people to pick many perspectives. One week the narrative is Dems losing support, next week GOP losing support. Questions are posed, stories covered, or ignored based on how it fits the narrative. It is true right and left, but varies with the type of media. Cable news, talk radio, and print all conform to the narrative with different rules, but it exists.
Carl pointed to instances of media hyping a story that turns out to be false. Media loves to hype especially if there is a celebrity involved. Did you care who was the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby? Stories are hyped or ignored by politcal philosophy all the time. On cable news Fox is quick to hype a story attacking Obama, often quickly withdrawing as the story unravels. Do you remember Ashley Todd victim of a Hoax Attack ; she claimed to be attacked by an Obama supporter because she was working for McCain/Palin. Her story fell apart and Drudge, Fox, and Rush had to look for another story to hype. In the realm of false accusations there is the devastating coverage of the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping, at least, devastating for Richard Ricci, Alleged Kidnapper. You probably forgot about Richard Ricci, but at one time talk radio was ready to organize the lynch mob. Cracking snide comments about a justice system designed to pamper criminals and sex perverts. Nancy Grace went after him with all nails failing. He died in jail from a brain hemorrhage convicted in the minds of all the media. When Elizabeth Smart escaped no one went back and apologized to Richard Ricci's widow.