No One Listens to Zathras
It will turn our cacophony of activist voices into an effective vehicle of change. A party should have as its highest goal to take inputs from those who seek change and unite them in a structure to achieve power. Our virtual information world allows those who believe in a great future for America and mankind to unite in an organized party (I know not Democrats). We can do so in a style that fits our overwhelmed mobile society. Ultimately, achieving power by voting.
The specifics can be worked out. Here are a few principles I think are important to consider.
All voters in the Democratic primaries should be allowed into the networks without a fee. Any non-primary voters must pay $15 to help pay for the effort, but more importantly to reduce trolls. Trolls will not spend $15 of their own money to do what is free on twitter. Also it is for real people with real names and addresses.
The DCCC DSCC should invest money in this effort, so should each local party organization, usually organized by counties. The campaign never ends must be the concept. Climate change doesn’t end, inequality continues to grow worse, food continues to need to be safe, water needs to flow, energy needs to be efficient, human rights should be respected. The debate and organization should be ongoing as well.
Policy discussions should lead to platform planks of the national party, people are disillusioned because they are ignored. Give activists a platform to affect policy. Raise the level of informed debate; fight the contrived narratives of the media. Give people a grounded accurate information base.
Invite the online groups like Daily Kos, Move On, and other netizens to each have their own virtual corner in each district’s space. The think tanks like Center for American Progress could also have an acre in the virtual back forty. It is important to have all number of interest groups finding common allies within each district. An online forum directed towards the real world of institutional politics.
Wranglers for each district should be paid not necessarily salaries but at least stipends to moderate, organize, and present content of local interest. As operations grow it needs to expand to precinct captains who would organize signs, rides to polls, and tracking turnout.
We can continue the top down approach. Democratic candidates and allied interests spent nearly 2 billion and what did that achieve? This approach would not involve great sums of cash; it will require a belief in the people instead of overpaid consultants, a belief in the motivation of positive change instead of outrage, and a belief that our policies do represent the majority so we must rely on the majority to enact them.
Most of us do not live in DC and have real lives, but we do care, want to be heard.
If I were sitting at a table with the leaders of OFA, I would layout and debate more specifically how to make this a reality. I do not know the leaders of OFA. The DC power crowd doesn’t want outside input, just money. I believe there are innumerable people who want a better world, do not seek partisan power simply to maintain partisan power. I hope you are one of these people. I hope you will share this idea. We may reach enough ears while there is still time to win not just the Presidency in 2016, but also the Senate and House. The power brokers will say regaining the House is impossible. It is if we continue the failed approach to power of chasing money hoping contrived narratives will eek out victories. Please join in sharing an idea of revolutionizing our politics with the power of people.