the buildings removed, and the highway open again; lethargy will creep in. Some people will just need a break. I went for almost two weeks running on adrenaline. As I slowed down, I slept for hours on a week end, almost as many hours as a teenager. The unanswered questions will start to be answered, at least the sense of limbo will resolve itself. The recovery plan was prepared and the building code debate will be resolved; hopefully so that the practical can happen and safety be guaranteed. Even if all goes well, the let down will happen. Some of the decisions will be difficult. No, large amounts of money aren't just handed out by FEMA, insurance companies, or fans of historic buildings. The moment of hopelessness is coming.
Keeping down the Dust
Even a bright sunny day doesn't change reality
We are now going to be a blended community. One part preserving the old historic; one part embracing a modern future oriented development. We can blend both; if we cooperate in a thoughtful way to maintain a sense and feel of the historic even in a modern development. Even though at times people have felt irritation, impatience, and suspicion in dealing with others; I have found when you get to the core of peoples's real desires, there is a remarkable sense of common purpose. We need to move forward, everyone needs a role.