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Nauvoo IL an easy drive from Elmwood

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just email: The Steve

Making the Majority the Majority 

A Path to Power

November 30, 2016

Name-calling or Identity Politics

... Policies designed to make life worse for the majority of Americans, while destroying the environment for everyone. GOP policies are driven by what the powerful want, even at the expense of the constitution. Jefferson Sessions now Attorney General nominee and Jefferson Davis both would hold compatible policy perspectives. Our current politcs is what people turning against their better angels and any sense of morality have wrought. FBI Director, James Comey, will be this era’s equivalent to John B Floyd, Secretary of War until 1860.  
Wikipedia “ Grant in his postwar Personal Memoirs said:
Floyd, the Secretary of War, scattered the army so that much of it could be captured when hostilities should commence, and distributed the cannon and small arms from Northern arsenals throughout the South so as to be on hand when treason wanted them. — Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant”

The actual events of the period called Reconstruction are a dismal tale, still haunting us today.

There has been some debate over a strategy of Identity Politics. Identity of social and cultural groups is needed to understand our society.  Otherwise, we have the self-delusion of thinking everyone who is a Real American thinks, looks, and worships, as we do. All true Americans are like me is a delusion of many in our politics. If we as Democrats create an open forum of connection and dialog then we will unite all identities in our coalition. Black Lives Matter people can be just as Green as the Sierra Club. We need to come together and let our common desires for progress unite a movement. There is no top down strategy that will make us a successful party. We are called anew in patriotism to form a united army. We must take our army to the polls to become the country Lincoln envisioned. We are once again “… engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.” We must build from local levels to put us again on the path to a more perfect Union.  A party that unites those who respect the rights of everyone, seeks a healthier world for everyone, and desires a vigorous economy for everyone is a winning majority. A Democratic Party that believes a government is an effective tool that must be placed in the hands of people follows America's dream of men (humans) governing themselves. An open connecting party that is dedicated to making governent work is a party that will win back the future. We cannot allow division and infighting over who is the most purely progressive, environmentalist, or a real-Democrat to separate us as voters in general elections. We must reach out to the unconnected and disengaged. We cannot win the votes of the true Trumpers who have seceded from reality, facts, and science. The crisis looming is dark, and the choice is stark. As Grant once wrote folowing the tone of Stephen Douglas "Now, there are only traitors and patriots. I will stand with the patriots."

Popular Vote 52 to 12 

Popular vote will move the average still higher for Democrats with 2016 included.

Clinton vote total 64,654,483 compared to 62,418,820 for Trump, according to a Cook Political Report analysis Monday Nov 28, 2016. That represents a margin of 2,235,663 in the popular vote. Clinton garnered 48.2 percent of the popular vote, while Trump earned just 46.5 percent, good for a 1.7 point margin. (As I edit it is higher 2.5 mil)

If we are the majority, why are we losing? Repairing the lack of local organization is the first step to regain power. Building (coding) a structure of dialog and policy formation to motivate the disillusioned is a second step. If we raise the turnout in all elections, the Republican Party will wither.

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