Party of Lincoln
Where can you find an heir of Lincoln in today’s Republican Party?
January 2, 2020
Inciting hate an old and tested tool of an authoritarian
Trumpism appeals in the Midwest to those who carry the heritage of racism forward to the present. The economically left behinds and factions exploited by issues: guns, abortion, prayer in school, etc. There is no moderate core left. The party is funded by wealthy interests glad to manipulate the masses to achieve tax cuts, no pollution standards, and other undermining of a strong government. These are the same political forces that Lincoln opposed. There is no moderate to find in today’s Republican party. Lincoln turned aside the prudent political advice of Henry Raymond. Even though, he was sure to lose re-election; he would not undermine the African Americans to appease anti-war and Copperhead sentiment. Start naming the Republican Senators in today’s impeachment crisis worthy of Lincoln? Is there even one?
Trump may indeed be more popular than Abraham Lincoln was in the
summer of 1864. Still Lincoln stood for country above personal
interest. Lincoln was determined to move our nation of flaws to be a
peg more perfect. He knew history and was aware of his part in shaping
our future. Scoff at any who speak of the party of Lincoln. There are
no people of character left in the GOP, only the venal, only the
greedy, only the hypocrite, and only the traitor to America’s future.
History will judge the Republicans another American failure. America
is adding another sin to be woven into our society’s fabric. We must
somehow live through this history.
Leinent yet firmly committed
The demise of the Midwest Republican undermines any notion of both siderism, compromise, or nominating some dual-party ticket. We have one great commission; it is to destroy all power of the Republican Party. Asking to reach out to the other side, to find common ground, or find unity is as foolish as a mind meld with a zombie. Continuing a Star Trek reference the current Republican Party is as insidious as Control from Discovery’s second season. I accept the accusation of hyperbolic rhetoric or being labeled a socialist. Actually, I am rather conservative for a radical socialist. Trumpism is a threat to our democracy. When a political party has become a serious threat to the continuation of the American experiment, then no words are too dramatic or hyperbolic. We of conscience must all act in some way. It is a failure that the Democratic Party has not empowered people in all states. Our Democratic Party could better use information age tools. It must awaken from the illusion of bi partisanship. We must persist, as Lincoln persisted. Not because we choose to follow popular opinion, but because we must do what is right. Surprisingly, history shows us this is often the best course. We must fight the Republicans on impeachment, challenge them to open investigations of corruption, and finally at the polls. Pursuing those in power until they are as weakened as the Confederate armies. We must persist; America’s dream requires it. Our children and grandchildren are our silent witnesses, even the unborn suffer from our present cowardice.
Evil is insidious - demands control - must be opposed -- Star Trek Discovery