Wolf by the Ears
Trump is the wolf, of course
January 26, 2019
This saying was ascribed to Roman Emperor Tiberius in a biography by Suetonius. Thomas Jefferson who had a copy of Suetonius’ work applied the simile to American slavery. I will apply it to Trump and the GOP. This is how I see the GOP and Trump’s base, with Trump as the wolf of course. Avoiding a discussion of slavery or the overall benefit of wolves to the ecosystem, I will move on to Trump and those fanatically clinging to his ears. Most of the power brokers in what is left of the Republican Party, realize without Trump there would be no president to nominate their unqualified judges. They would lose their ability to destroy the environment. No one else would allow the looting of the U.S. government, consumers, and the global economy. No one else can conjure the animistic racial hatred embedded in America’s darker soul. Without Trump the GOP would be slowly receding into a permanent minority. Now the Republican Party is hurtling headlong towards a cataclysmic end.
Wolves often an object of fear in literature
The GOP has power beyond their numbers. Many political mechanics increase their odds of winning: the electoral college, the undemocratic Senate, gerrymandered districts, the erosion of fairness, and the supremacy of money. We have thinktanks, lobbyists, and media outlets willing to support the donor class at the expense of truth. They have a fantasy world of news that allows a large number of Americans to live outside reality. Such mass delusion should be treated as an infection, a cancer in the body politic. The current world has incubated political expediency and drown authenticity. It was amazing to watch Trump gain the nomination of the Republican Party. His obvious disqualifying statements and behaviors were coddled. The party hoped to appeal to his outraged rabble as they screamed to end political correctness. The GOP wanted the rage but not the candidate. Yet in Cleveland the Trump train arrived and renamed the station in honor of Putin. Candidate Trump prevailed to win the election. Trumpism benefited by news sources filling the air waves with both siderism. His ability to rouse the populace base combined with a thousand flaws in the Hillary campaign allowed him a narrow electoral win. The GOP, less a few never-Trumpers, took the gift as proof of a political mandate. They all climbed on board assured they could steer and reign in Trump to achieve their corrupt agenda. Now they are afraid of the destination but more afraid of letting go.
Classic Believe Me
Trump attaining the presidency has unveiled many crimes not just about the Trump crime family. His presidency is also revealing the crimes of the Republican Party and the corrupt cronyism of American politics. He inspired millions of women to march in protest, vote, run, and win elections. Just as the slave society kept on the wolf to their own destruction so will the Republican Party. The GOP could let go and try to impeach Trump, but they fear Trump voters. Now there is an opportunity to expose far more corruption than just Trump and his Russian troll farms. Vast numbers of GOP base voters are living in the illusion created by Fox, Rush, and fringe media. Public investigations with detailed and fact-based reports could chip at the bubble the propaganda machine frenetically inflates.
Wash away the corruption in 2020
The Democrats controlling must pursue fair and open investigations. These inquiries can continue for the next two years. Almost all Trump cabinet appointments have ethical problems. Many Republicans in Congress are complicit. The NRA could be made powerless. The Senate will not pass election reforms, police reforms, healthcare reform, or anything that would improve the lives of American citizens. This is an opportunity to build support for a 2020 election that will allow a constitutional revolution of reform. The American people are ready for the Green New Deal, expanded healthcare, tax increases on wealth, regulation of corporate power, and fair elections. We need an honest open dogged search for the truth. The control of the House gives us the opportunity. Let the Republican Party ride the wolf over the cliff as we allow authentic open politics to prepare America for a new era. We the public must demand fair investigations without political games, then we must vote in primaries and general elections. The majority of America has yielded its power in apathy, this must end.