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Devotions Mosaic
Luke 17 v 11:19 The Message
It happened that as he made his way toward Jerusalem, he crossed over the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten men, all lepers, met him. They kept their distance but raised their voices, calling out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
Taking a good look at them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.”
They went, and while still on their way, became clean. One of them, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God. He kneeled at Jesus’ feet, so grateful. He couldn’t thank him enough—and he was a Samaritan.
Jesus said, “Were not ten healed? Where are the nine? Can none be found to come back and give glory to God except this outsider?” Then he said to him, “Get up. On your way. Your faith has healed and saved you.”
Mosaic is a faith-based organization serving people with intellectual disabilities. We believe that every individual is a person of worth. Together Mosaic staff members, volunteers and the people we support work as partners. We are passionate about opportunities and partnerships that create meaningful lives, in caring communities, giving a voice to the needs of the people we serve.urn to the human element.
Rueben Morgan -- Still
Closer to Free version of Still at the May 15, 2016 Service Elmwood United Methodist Church -- Song starts at 42:10
- with a false start by Steve, they forgave me did not scratch me from the race
Members Steve Johnson & Laura Stewart were absent - Vic Ewalt filling in on keyboard
Russ Clark, Micheal Sweeney, Becky Caulkins, Leann Lovingood, Lois Hill, and Steve Davis (White Sox cap)