Take them in detail:
Trump the wizard of celebrity
March 10, 2016
I would guess the elite strategists didn’t actually wade into those town halls in 2010. All those angry, old, white, and often fat voters were too uncouth, sweaty, and irrational to actually talk to. It was great just to stand back and send in the shock troops to attack Obama and the Democrats. If they had listened they would have found they were not ideologically consistent conservatives. The emergent Tea Baggers didn’t want Social Security and Medicare cuts; they were convinced Social Security deficits were caused by illegal immigrants and other cheats getting unearned benefits. They hated Obamacare because they didn’t want government screwin up their Medicare. Right wing extremists created a continual supply of crisis and fear baiting based on conjecture and hot air. Reality kept nagging and slipped into their collective consciousness. Silently the base knew nothing came of these predicted disasters. Obama not an American nothing was done. Obamacare would be repealed nothing was done. In our constitution a President has a veto. The base wasn’t in on the game; the base was sincere. The elites were playing for votes. The GOP/Tea Party is not actually a majority in the country. If Republicans didn’t dominate low population Red States and redistricting after 2010 their party would not control Congress. The frustrations were building; the GOP orthodox belief of a unified conservative movement was an illusion. Scratch through the veneer and it was fiberboard. The Tea without the manufactured outrage over guns or gays could often sound like union Democrats which many had been before the GOP broke the unions.
Sen Arlen Specter wondering when did the world turn upside down
These base voters didn’t like the cost overruns in Pentagon contracts. They didn’t like the multiple deployments of the guard and reserves. They didn’t like that uppity Obama. The Tea were steeping and didn’t like the cultural changes happening around them. They evolved from blaming just Democrats and Obama; they began to blame the elites, the leaders of their own party. The Tea know government dysfunction is some how wrong; they do not always know how destructive a shut down is to our economy. The Tea have given majorities to Republicans and government is not working. They feel like they have been kicked in the teeth, and Trump is their way of giving the people a voice, a foul-mouthed angry voice. Trump’s voice is unafraid not politically correct. The Tea are lapping it up like free beer at a BBQ. Scarborough in the Washington Post has a headline this morning “Trump crushes Ronald Reagan’s Republican Party;” this is nonsense. Trump’s voters are Ronald Reagan’s party. Scarborough’s Republican Party is one of elite strategists manipulating the Reagan base to maintain power, line their pockets, and create a crony capitalist system. Trump voters are as upset as Bernie voters about economic issues, they are reaching out to a false prophet in Trump. Bernie at least has a consistent economic message more based in reality than is Trump’s.
Trump base suffering from inequality the same as the Bernie base
How has the Republican Party failed to stop Donald Trump if they are so assured his candidacy will destroy them? The GOP/Tea Party has lost this battle like many a failed military leader. The power brokers, both moneymen and party officials, failed to understand the terrain, they did not know the strength of their enemy, and they failed to coordinate their attack. Donald Trump has used the tactics of a hero of many of his supporters Nathan Bedford Forrest. First just out front, Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Confederate Cavalry commander. He was one of the most effective commanders in the West, a real genius of military tactics. Almost everyone in the 19th Century was a racist, but Forrest does stand out in this category of evil. He was a slave trader having made a fortune on the backs of oppressed men, women, and children. He may or may not have ordered the massacre of surrendered black troops at Ft Pillow. He certainly had no moral qualms over a few war crimes, ...