Once again on the road
Vision Quest or a trip to Mesa Verde?
9/27/17 4:36 AM
It is nice out this morning, although I hesitate in the use of the term morning when it is still dark out. I have been in a tent since about seven last night it is time to be out. I wandered down to showers and am sitting out in bag chair plugged into the outlet. I have been as quiet as possible I do have a campsite neighbor they have a fifth wheel trailer. I appreciate that many people like the RV experience, but it seems odd almost as confining as a tent. They do undoubtedly have a more comfortable bed and from their glow last night a T and Vee. I am running from TV which is my time waster. Many would think drifting on the Internet with my mind wrapped in my computer as time wasting. I think it is just existence. This morning without Internet I cannot properly check the weather, read more about the battle of Pea Ridge, look up people of interest from yesterday’s visit, and find restaurant choices for tonight. I have my phone but not many bars, therefore best left to simple texting and limited calls. We modern people have few of the essential life skills the participants in the 1862 battle had. We could barely survive a snowy March day without our devices and comforts. The battle was fought here because it was on a major road of the day. It is also one of the Trail of Tears routes. A Native American unit fought with the Confederates at this battle. Some Native Americans had slaves and drug them along to Oklahoma. I do not know if the nation that fought here was a slave holding nation or not. I do not know because I do not have the f-ing Internet to look it up. I have noticed the nice boats on the lake as with everything in September after Labor Day just a few. I was noticing the wake of the boats. No one seems to be going excessively fast most are fancy fishing boats. Listening to the waves lap on the rocky beach yesterday I observed how long after the boat had past the waves still lap from it. We buzz through life making wakes some large, some modest, but we all leave a wake. The waves lapping or echoing behind our passage linger for a long time. Affect people and things in our past from long ago that we are unaware of now. When the lake is quiet it is easy to notice the effects of the lingering wake.Turtle crossing road at Beaver Dam Lake
Adding note I left Arkansas after drive down Ozark highway.The long dull drive on I 40 stopped at Tucumcari New Mexico - went to Pecos National Park - then on to Cortez Colorado outside of Mesa Verde National Park
9/29/17 10:29 PM
I am in my tent it is fairly cold – weather.com says it is currently 47 with low to be 42. It is cold such a change from Monday in Arkansas – I have no cell phone reception, but the campground has wifi. It works fairly well. I have small camp chair in tent sitting with laptop on my lap; it is almost like home. I wanted to be isolated and limit food intake. I have accomplished part of that today. I am surviving without any television/media, but I do have Internet a somewhat unusual situation.
This campground has some kind of a thing with their café and it’s all you can eat pancake breakfast. You keep reading about the pancake breakfast in their literature; it is always mentioned in trip advisor reviews. The pancakes end on September 1, which I knew and thought a silent blessing, but café is closed for season which seems something worth mentioning.. I am left to my own devices. I came back from hike and was going to eat something, but then talked to my campsite neighbor. He is an avid hiker and fascinated with ancient cultures of America. We talked as it got colder. I didn’t eat anything and you can’t have food in tent (bears) and now it is cold and dark. I have heard your body burn more calories when it is cold I’ll likely weigh 215 in the morning. I made my own coffee at motel in Cortez. I took my thermos mug in the tent and am drinking it now. Bears hate coffee; prefer herbal teas. I have bought tickets for two tours tomorrow I hope it doesn’t rain. There is some forecasted rain. Unfortunately it is not going to be warmer, but supposedly it will be dry Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
Stayed at Tucumcari NM twice on this trip -- did not make to Tucson
9/30/17 7:59 AM
I suppose for the sake of accuracy I should note my computer clock is still on CDT. I am an hour advanced from the local time. I survived the night. I got very cold before I crawled in sleeping bag. It took a long while before I could warm it up. Rain is coming must be taking off