Wise Men Still Seek Him -- Dec 29, 2019 at Colchester & Hills Grove
This was my script for today as I gave message
Seeking Jesus is a lifelong journey to find your true self
We are a part of this world; we are not monks following vows of silence in mountain cloister.
Jesus called us to be a light in the world not to run away and hide.
We cannot follow Jesus in isolation – we must bring Spirit into daily life.
We have a cord to hang onto in sorrow and we have a gift of gratitude in joy.
James does the cute baby well
On June 27th we experienced the joy of a grandson – he is the first grandchild for either set of grandparents. His feet didn’t touch the ground for the first four months
My son and daughter-in-law live in Princeville and now go to the United Methodist church there. On Monday’s James comes to our house my wife is the Monday baby-sitter
Their minister’s wife in Princeville babysits on Tuesday and Wednesday, she has a 5 year-old and a three year old who think James is adorable.
My daughter in law ‘s parents are great servants in the UMC in Chillicothe – They babysit on Thursday And Friday. This boy is completely immersed in the United Methodist Church
We are fortunate for his good health; his parents are fortunate that he has slept through the night.
I thought about how we raise this child up.
Immersing him in the United Methodist Church is a good thing but it is not enough.