Wise Men Still Seek Him -- Dec 29, 2019 at Colchester & Hills Grove
This was my script for today as I gave message
Seeking Jesus is a lifelong journey to find your true self
Therefore, seeking God is a lifelong task
I read with a different understanding at different ages the same bible verses
To love something is to be drawn to it – to seek it
Next I must question,
How do I offer love to others?
From baby to the aged state I am now in, my life journey is one of seeking my true self.
To love others, I must separate aspects the world has created in me and find my true God Created self.
I believe loving all God’s creation is how I will live if I live as my true self.
“self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself your true self.” This is how the Msg version states it.
If I am not possessed of the world but of God, I will care more for others than myself.
This is self-sacrifice. It doesn’t mean I do not seek a healthy life or to preserve things in a way to sustain myself and family.
It means I am not possessed by my possessions. I seek to be healthy not out of vanity but because it is good to be healthy. I can add a positive force to the world if I am capable. It is good to have something to offer.
We as followers will still oppose the evil of humanity. We will try to bring solace to those who experience cruelty. We will seek justice for ourselves and all mankind. Therein lies my true self
Seeking True Self
Jesus never believed in a rigid code or a discipline -- Jesus said seek God – be your true self and live like that self in the world. It is why the disciples often didn’t understand. Why we don’t today. It is difficult to always stay in covenant with God.
It is difficult to always bear the heart of Jesus in the world.
It is difficult to be assured of salvation without a little self-examination from time to time.
As divisions and fights embroil us in the country and our church, I would ask everyone to examine your heart.
I would ask all of us are we still on the path to seeking Jesus?
Are we following rules but not living in abundance with our true selves?
Martin Luther once said where your heart is there is your God. Are you possessed of the world or are you living into the Kingdom of Heaven?