Grandparenting Looms
March 16, 2019
We must allow him to be his own person, but he definitely will love and do a few required Davis things.
Saying all that, I do think surely a football for first Christmas would be expected. By the child’s second Christmas I think Uncle Alex and I should be able to teach him a few fundamentals about bringing the punch on a good block. I think maybe in four or five years he’ll be ready for a camping and civil war battlefield tour. I would try to pick the campgrounds without the copperheads. He will have the Packers as his first love, not the Bears no matter what his mother or Aunt Joni might say. The Bears can be the second team.
Maybe a good rule would be to practice what you preach? No, we’re still going to make him a Packers fan and a Star Trek Trekkie. Other essentially Davis things like working hard while sweating profusely, relishing the dirt, grime, and sweat will just be required. It is inevitable he will love history and studying the Civil War --