Where your heart clings, there is your God
August 12, 2018
A Life Changing Visit
At times I feel I should open every essay with an apology – I mean I have thoughts and somehow, they become written or spoken. Often, I have thoughts on politics and religion two subjects best not mentioned in polite company, at least in the social norms of the past. Today somehow politics define religion, or religion is just another form of political expression. Where does that leave, a person on a sincere spiritual search simply seeking to worship God? A person living in the Kingdom of Heaven in this life will be shunned from many American Christian gathering places. I hesitate to call them sanctuaries. It is understandable that none of us speak with a perfect vision of God’s will. Jesus spoke with stories trying to convey the Kingdom of God, but he knew his followers, even his disciples, were not fully understanding his message. (Mark 4) In America today our Christianity is marked by a rigid righteousness. Our prominent voices speak in absolute pronouncements, they advocate in the realm of partisan politics. We have religion intertwined with power politics in our time. It is almost akin to the days of Jesus when the priests of the temple, the Kingdom of Herod, and the Roman governorship each pursuing self-interest flourished in the same swamp. American religion leaves little room for the seed to grow and flourish in those seeking to live in the kingdom of heaven in this world.
There is No Planet B
I am addressing those who would answer Yes to these questions. Are you an American? Do you believe in God? Are you a Christian? Do you attend church regularly? Do you pray in the name of Jesus? Many today are scornful of any one making those claims. Their scorn is not persecution; it is simply the natural reaction after having been hurt by those answering Yes to the five questions. Many Christians are loving and do much good, but equally as many have shown hate, dismissal, and caused harm. It is only a rational reaction to express distrust and resentment towards those claiming American Christianity. The parable that follows is for those who answered Yes to the five questions. Sunday, I drove an hour to attend church with my mother, instead of the two services I usually participate in at my own church. I had an extra two hours left to my own thoughts such time alone puts me on a dangerous path. First parable of Jesus, followed by mine.
South Henderson Church - Forgottonia IL