May Passion not a Conflagration Unleash
October 18, 2018
My sons continue to call my trips vision quests. I said I was calling this one the clarification.
Some have admonished me to not be a fixture of a past time. Others have argued I should support their biblical view. I would say this, if I am to base all my theology, practice, and belief around one scripture, it would be Proverbs 16:31. “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” Of course, I do not believe in fixing on one verse or one tenet of theology. The closest I come is to seek and always evaluate my words by coming back to Jesus’ response to the Pharisees. Matthew 22:37-40 “He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Therefore surely, we must seek God. In seeking God, we must seek truth and not our own belief. I fear many of us pray to God while looking in a mirror. Secondly to love one another is I believe, a command to love all of God’s creation. A command to reach out to others with compassion, a command to care for God’s creation as a good steward. I pray as this great schism approaches, we all come to Jesus’ two greatest commandments. May, we find sanctified holy ground in communion with Jesus’ Spirit. I pray, we do not gather in our separate rooms of illusions and mirrors.
Koomer Ridge
I am a person who has learned all his theology in the pews and small studies. First in the Methodist Episcopal church, and now these 50 years of adulthood in the United Methodist church; it is all I know. I have always believed in welcoming all. There was only one church in my hometown, we were just the church inviting all. This has always been my message to anyone asking about our church. Who would I be, if I were to exclude anyone from the opportunity to seek a life in the ways of the Lord? I pray we are always a beacon of love and welcome to a dark world. I may pray into a mirror as well, but I firmly believe that to tear asunder this denomination over this issue is a sin. It is allowing the sin of this earthly realm to corrupt the sanctity of the Spiritual world. Partisanship, short-sightedness, and the fear of change are once again taking us to the brink. May we use, the brains God gave us, to learn from the past and chart a course in communion with Jesus to the glory of God.
Thunder Rock
Let us unite in love for the Holy Spirit. Let us have our debates in
circles and discussion groups. May we always welcome and love and pray
and worship in doing good things together. I see a dry forest with
highly combustible materials, the fire risk is high. Let us not ignite
the sparks with our hot breathes of anger. Let us be inwardly aflame
with the breath of the Holy Spirit to quench our thirst and ignite our