Where your heart clings, there is your God
August 12, 2018
A Life Changing Visit
... I thought, real cool. Also, he was a little darker skinned than most people who worship with us. We are open to everyone, but we do not have much diversity. I got back into my riffs; we rock in the pre-service. Have you heard of our church?” Me: “I may have, I don’t know. I never watch church on television I go to a little church about 30 people. We don’t have a band or multi-media.” Gate companion, “I grew up in a church like that. We try to maximize the worship experience, allow everyone that awe moment. I suppose I shouldn’t even have noticed this man, but he was something of a misfit. I noticed he listened very intently. During the prayers he didn’t reach up or anything; he seemed in meditation focused within himself. I noticed him because I look up from prayers to keep the service flowing. I have to be ready for the transitions. When you are part of the show or the performance, it isn’t always just worshiping. I do relish the moments when everyone seems so connected.” He continued, “After service a couple handed our misfit, a newcomer kit, and said they hoped he had received a blessing today. As they left he looked at me carrying my guitar. I looked at him, I couldn’t look away.”
“I asked what his plans were today. He said, ‘I had hoped to talk with James.’ (our minister) ‘he has asked me to come so often.’ Our minster had left after the message letting an associate close the service. He had a flight to an important conference of Christian leaders working on the new Redeem America Agenda. My misfit added, ‘I will walk over to the beautiful area.’ There is a marvelous nature preserve on the other side of the highway. I said I will take you, if you don’t have a car. You can’t walk across the highway. He nodded. I felt compelled to protect him, he had such depth to his eyes. He seemed curious of my car and the highway, as he serenely soaked it all in. When we got there he asked, ‘will you walk with me?’ I texted to our after-service group I would not meet them for pancakes. I warned he would need to be careful in those sandals, he smiled. We began a leisurely ascent. This trail climbs to a spectacular overlook of the river valley. He would pause occasionally being very still. The birds, butterflies, and small animals seemed to pause, as well. He was so in tune with the natural world. I followed silent as possible. I almost forgot the lack of pancakes. We got to the overlook area a level space with benches. He observed, smiled, then sat in prayer. I did too. I fell into a deep timeless meditation. It was the most worshipful love of God experience I had ever had. When I rejoined this world, I walked to stand beside the man as he looked over the valley. He said, ‘in every search the only end is love.’ I immediately knew I should return to my home. Visions of the people there sparkled through my thoughts.
We all create our own gospel
I asked did he enjoy our service this morning. He replied, ‘Yes, he enjoyed his visit. Your band really kicks?’ I said “rocks?” He nodded and continued, ‘Rocks, if a little too loud. I experienced the connection of worshipping souls, it is always powerful. Your church seems to have no connection to the world. The world is so beautiful.’ He stretched out his hand, ‘now the demons run loose, but in the message those who oppose them were mocked. James called them, Tree Hippers?’ I corrected, Hippie Tree Huggers. ...