Where your heart clings, there is your God
August 12, 2018
A Life Changing Visit
... He continued, “I am; I resigned from my job a month ago. I think I can get a job at home; I have an interview. I won’t stay with my parents too long. If the itinerant man thought our church was a rigid ruled self-righteous congregation, he hadn’t visited my parents and their church. My parents were pleased they had been able to catch glimpses of me playing on Christian channels where our services sometimes appeared. They still didn’t think my music should be in a church. I do feel assured in life, now. I contacted a classmate, who has been rebuilding her parents’ business. I always thought she was too smart and beautiful to talk to me. Sue seemed glad I was coming back. She set up my job interview. I would have thought she would have little time for me, but we have been in touch almost daily. Sue says she is looking forward to seeing me in person. I am still in awe. I will take it slow, but I have hope. “
There was an announcement that our flight would soon begin boarding. Late, but a plane was at the gate, and I would get home. I felt compelled to ask, “Did you talk to your pastor?” He smiled, “Yes, I did. I had to give notice I would be leaving the band. He had seen the man at the service. He said, ‘I didn’t know him. I was probably someone he had met at a conference. I don’t remember ever asking him to come to church, but it is possible.’ I told Pastor James, he wanted us to refocus our ministry to heal all people. We needed to heal the needy. Pastor replied ‘Another social justice do-gooder, I hope you are not following him to play at coffee houses for the homeless. You are far too talented for that.’ I told him I was planning on going back home and picking up my life there. He said, 'we have made a real impact and we would likely have tours & videos in our future. Our country is finally getting traditional values, our nation is protecting Christian freedoms, and our church will be in the forefront of the Renewing America Agenda.' He believes I am running away to a backwater wasteland. He thought the criticisms of our church were just relativist theology from a whiny liberal. A person from a segment of the larger church pushing Christianity on a slippery slope to no moral standards. I gave him my written notes of my experience on the overlook. I said, it was too bad he had not had the chance to pray with this man. He asked, ‘What was his prayer?’ I laughed, I didn’t know; it was silent. He wished me well. I do know, I am making the right choice. It will be good to be home and be the new, the most real me, ever. I may spend the rest of my life journey trying to understand what my misfit told me, finding my true self, allows all things to find me.”
A Spiritual Walk should be open to all — Beyond the Trivial
It was time to line up for boarding. I wished him well and said I would reflect on his words. I said our experience in our church seemed far removed from the nationalist media religion he left. We just try to find truth in our lives and help each other in our community. We don’t push issues, we pray, read scripture, and sing; we like to sing. I added, I will let my son play his guitar in our little church. First, he has to get better. At this point, all I can say is his practicing seems to be keeping the mice out of the garage. He laughed, and we shook hands in parting.
Epilogue: I believe in the power of pray. In connection of believers there is a power of Spirit. We honor God by seeking truth and I believe there are infinite truths to discover. Knowledge does not abolish the awe; gaining knowledge is the awe. I believe those who take on the Spirit of Jesus can live in the Kingdom of Heaven on this Earth. Our first duty is to honor God’s creation; we are servants and stewards. We are to unite Spirits to evolve to manifest God’s will on Earth. We may find, we are defiling the Eden that God give us as an opportunity to flourish as body, mind, and spirit. We are to love all creation.