
Why the IO

Topics in the IO

27 Years Married

A New Life

Cmas Letter 2009

Marriage Clay

Moving Forward

Good Family Trips



just email: The Steve

27 Years Married




I am not the type of man that gets up everyday looking for something to fix. We watched Gran Torino recently, Mr. Kowalski says he fixes things it is what he does. The movie illustrated what most needs fixed can’t always be done with tools. Being open to needs in emotional relationships helps fix things just as important as a light switch.

I don’t know if I have offered any insights in how to clear the trail in your daily relationship, but being good friends and looking out for each other can go a long ways. If that isn’t enough to help your relationship, I can give you my lasagna recipe. It has always served me, well. I no longer have the smurf glasses.


Steve Davis | Create Your Badge