Wise Men Still Seek Him -- Dec 29, 2019 at Colchester & Hills Grove
This was my script for today as I gave message
Seeking Jesus is a lifelong journey to find your true self
Two greatest commandments
We have to understand our Sunday School faith will be insufficient as an adult.
The God I understood in a third grade Sunday school class is not be the same God I wrap my faith in now. God may not change but my relationship and my ability to live in Spirit will
Our youth carry their cartoon God to university, are then challenged and unable to defend their beliefs.
I think far too many of us of all ages have a cartoon God
We, like Will Ferrell, prefer the Baby Jesus
Much of the traditions, rituals, and language of religion can be contradictory and misleading.
Jesus was always questioning his followers and disciples Are you listening, are you really listening?
Dangerous Crossing
Even his disciples?demonstrated a wide array of failures to communicate.
The Highest Law -- Love the Lord your God -- To love something is to be drawn to it – to seek it.
Something loved is valued, emulated, cared for -- something loved is fluid to the time not fixed. We grow in love, mature in love.
It is like this with loving God – God may not change but I do, and I will be influenced by the world.
Many experiences allow me to gain a better appreciation for God, some do not.
I must search for truth, reflect on who I am, be skeptical of what I believe or how I act.
If ever I am so self-assured of being God’s chosen, I may have arrived at peril.
I may be lost to loving God with my whole heart.