Delegate Application
March 23, 2019
Making my application more available to share -- everyone should know who they are voting for, even if they hate to admit they know them.
Response to Delegate Nomination Form
Steven Davis --
United Methodist Church of Elmwood
Date of Membership
with merger in 1968, joined Smithshire Methodist Episcopal in 1964
Relevant leadership roles
Spoon River District Lay Leader, conference delegate, servant, & maker of coffee
Some of us refuse to watch an organization of good torn assunder.
I grew up on a farm and in a small country church. We were doers of things. We relied on ourselves and our neighbors. I suppose some viewed our work as hard work, but it was just doing the job. I developed IT skills, wrote an Ag software program. I owned an ISP and acquired some network knowledge. I have always been active in the United Methodist Church in Smithshire and since 1998 in Elmwood. I am a person who wants to be a part of making on Earth as in Heaven a fulfilled statement.
Too bad I cannot offer the version 2 of me, the bigger, faster, stronger, & smarter? one.
Gifts and Passions
I have an ability to learn things. I am an empathetic and passionate person, but try to restrain myself. I believe respect for each God created soul is the key to transforming our world. I possess a wide array of mediocre talents singing, writing, IT, and carpentry. I believe the United Methodist Church should be the unifying force to preserve all of God's Creation and make Spirit manifest in the world.