
Why the IO

Topics in the IO

Hostage Takers

Rails to Prosperity

The American Dream


Modern Dilemma

Act like an Adult

Fractious Nation

Moving Forward


Elmwood Tornado Recovery Priorities

Essays after Tornado

Practical Steps

This Week that Was


Good Family Trips



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Become the Hostage Takers

Allowing others but requiring a donation from independents to be a member of this virtual organization would be fair. A Congressional District Caucus would develop policy positions. The party platforms should be built on the policies generated by these district networks. Virtual caucuses would be tools to recruit and inform voters effecting district races. These structures will provide continuity from election cycle to election cycle since it is not tied to a specific campaign. Should the Obama network go away in 2016?

Obama 2012

This would allow people to bring forth ideas, increase enthusiasm, and be a part of a political movement. It would allow real people to participate, and more importantly to make elected officials in Congress hear them. A dialog between people and politicians will emerge. Even GOP members when an organized voice from their own district addresses an issue will listen (pretend). This will build such an effective electoral block that more Democrats will be elected and beholden directly to their constituents. Held hostage by the majority in their districts. President Obama will be compromising with the left not the wing-nut right.

Tea'er Humor

Become the hostage takers put together an effective electoral block inside the party. This will lead to retaking the House, retaining the Senate, and reelecting Obama. It will also allow people to pressure Senators when McConnell filibusters every bill, nominee, and all resolutions calling Day day and Night night.

I believe the DCCC, DSCC, and Obama 2012 share these goals (winning elections), and if enough of you demand it, it will happen. Demand a new structure, providing continuity, allowing average people to influence power.

Senate 2012

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