
Why the IO

Topics in the IO

Open Debate

Act like an Adult

27 Years Married

A New Life

Cmas Letter 2009

Marriage Clay

Moving Forward


Good Family Trips

Editorial Notes

Lincoln Douglas

just email: The Steve

I have been know to debate people on an issue and let them choose which side I will take.  I despise people who use sound bites as support for their position.  I take the time to study my opposition and their stances.  Many times I have educated an opponent on the planks of their own organization.  I will not try to embarrass anyone with whom I am debating.  I will not resort to name calling,  I believe that is a sign of having a weak argument.  I do not suffer fools.  If the facts are the facts and someone denies them because they do not fit their template,  I am finished with them.  


My goal is not to win,  but to maybe show what someone believes is the truth, might look a little different from another angle.  I want to win people over to my belief system.  I know this will not always happen but I am civil none the less.  I look forward to this little experiment.  I could not find on your blog where you have done something like this before.  If you have,  I could not find it.  If nothing else,  anyone who joins in should enjoy looking through the others prisms.      

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