Null Stillness

Rescue the aging

Chapter Thirty - Ruth, just Ruth

Ruth becomes the right hand, man - woman

Note on Novel (chapter title - associated song - time frame) Ruth, just Ruth,  Willin,  1977 

Thunder Rock

Chapter Thirty one - Thunder Struck

JB is doing what?

Note on Novel (chapter title - associated song - time frame) Thunder Struck  Why Me Lord?,  1977

photo Thunder Rock Campground -- TN 

Chapter Thirty two -- Alliance of Friends

Carol and Julie begin a friendship, dialog, shared love

Note on Novel (chapter title - associated song - time frame) Alliance of Friends  All Along the Watchtower,  2008

Lynne Jensen

Chapter Thirty three - Different Dreams

JB Donaldson while in Vietnam is notified his father has died.    

Note on Novel (chapter title - associated song - time frame) Different Dreams,  Camelot,  1979

photo by Bakawi on Flickr

Chapter Thirty four - Blessed here and in Heaven

Carol gets Ruth a dress from and old friend

Note on Novel (chapter title - associated song - time frame) Blessed here and in Heaven,  Wedding Song  1977

Chapter Thirty five - Warmth in the Hearth

Family together at Christmas

Note on Novel (chapter title - associated song - time frame) Warmth in the Hearth,  Cherry Tree Carol,  1987