Political Opinion, informed and otherwise
I am always open to a dissenting opinion. I try to present a fact based discussion in my essays. I believe the solutions are in our hands. We have the tools, if we decide to use them. If you have a response e-mail me. The Steve
Dashed Dreams: -- Life Lessons
Essential reads, or interviews that need listening.
David Cay Johnston
The Perils of Our Growing Inequality
Rick Perlstein
Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan
Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein
Let's Just Say It, the Republicans are
the Problem
Post - NPR
Even Worse than it Looks
Robert Draper
Not Ask What Good We Do
Jonathan Haidt
Righteous Mind - Why won't they listen? - Cspan
Nicholas Shaxson Where the Money Lies
Suggestions for political reform my latest politcal essays.
Impeachment --- So It Begins -- Party of Lincon -- Unmoored
Another Beggar --- Original Sin
Valley of the Boom --- WIU Path Foward
Zeal without Knowledge -- Wolf by the Ears
Hillbilly Secession -- Make the Majority the Majority -- Start Anew
PJ Star Version, Illinois the Abused Spouse
WOMMs (White Old Married Males) -- Corrupt as Madoff
Return of the Whigs -- A New Path after the Fall
Who to Blame? -- Orlando Shootings
Reality Not Allowed -- Illinois Budget Mess
Take them in detail: Trump the wizard of celebrity
An Intervention with GOP friends
The Free Economy -- A Dismal Myth
Vote 2014 ---- Captain Planet
email to Messina ---- A Visit with Abe