
Why the IO

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27 Years Married

A New Life

Cmas Letter 2009

Marriage Clay

Moving Forward

Good Family Trips

Central Park Trees

Treebeard's Prophecy


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Successful relationships need a little trail clearing. If you are walking a path together every day, then move some of the fallen logs. It will save many trip ups. Early on in our marriage my system of washing dishes, which was when I ran out of bowls or spoons, proved an impediment to Nancy’s peace of mind. She is unreasonable in many aspect of daily living.  A dishwasher was a great trail clearer in our relationship.  Nancy loads it, our sons unloaded it as part of their household chores, and I get to wash any item too large or messy for the dishwasher. Nancy also has phenomenal stacking skills to air dry dishes, she hates drying dishes. Eating meals together has always been important for our family. Working on ways to make it a shared effort will help. Smooth away stress in doing daily tasks; it allows our feelings and limited time to build a better relationship.


Some women may be the handymen in their marriages, but most marriages rely on husbands to repair things and kill bugs and varmints.  Some of us can delay these things, what would country music be with out the “honey do” song. Occasionally if you know something needs done in a household do it; try to make fewer issues to trip over. Of course, sometimes it is best to ignore your spouse. Nancy insists I need to change the light switch in the bedroom.  It is dimmer switch and she cannot turn it off. It works fine for me so I am ignoring her. At some point I will just fix it, not today. 

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