
Why the IO

Topics in the IO

Age of Dudgeon

A Theory of Wealth

Hostage Takers

Rails to Prosperity

The American Dream


Modern Dilemma

Act like an Adult

Fractious Nation

Moving Forward


Elmwood Tornado Recovery Priorities

Essays after Tornado

Practical Steps

This Week that Was


Good Family Trips



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Age of Dudgeon
A proposed balm for your angst

While some districts will take a little longer, the forlorn progressives in the sun burnt districts will have a path to make a difference. Influence to their Representative a path only available to mega-donors, now.

It is an Age of Dudgeon, but we do not have to be powerless observers. We could affect this election and dominate for a decade. Please, share this idea with your network or your party contacts; try to get a meeting of minds by Memorial Day. A meeting of bodies is not required in today’s inter-connected age. Memorial Day was instituted to remember those who died to save our Union. The Union is imperiled again, more than at any time since 1860. No need to grab a musket (the oppressive fascist Obama has taken them all away), but the cry of Union needs to ring again, from one digital device to another, from sea to shining sea, Hawaii included. Unless Obama was born there, then it is an exotic and foreign land, not a state.

GOP Tea Pull Economist

Headed to 1850, America's Heyday for the White Male

Winter is Coming

The power ultimately resides with people, if they are informed, organized, then power can be exercised.

Conservative Super Pacs be warned Winter is Coming.

Dudgeon (dudg-eon a feeling of offense or deep resentment)

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