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HGTV a lesson in relationships

People’s instincts, snap judgments, or disapproval about a couple’s future have existed throughout time, or at least in the age after arranged marriages. Malcolm Gladwell describes human perception in Blink; I’ve observed it as a child in my small town. Older folks made quick and easy predictions about young couples. Many of these young couples disproved the skepticism of the head scratchers and doubters successfully building lives together; these couples overcame judgments made more from prejudices than actual observations. Often though, as Gladwell describes, our mind can pick up many clues in a short time, and then make a snap judgment - an impression or insight that often is sound and captures many accurate details.  An example in the book Blink is from a counselor. Who stated when couples are dismissive or disdainful of each other; it always predicts doom. On HGTV even those small clips can tell a lot about people’s personalities. I find some of the people are so annoying; I ignore the shows.

Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell

If some couple came to me and asked what traits do you think are important for a successful couple.  These are the ones I would list.

Successful couples enjoy each other. Successful couples spend time together, not every waking minute, but when it is just the two of you, it’s OK. If a couple finds things they enjoy together it builds interaction, allows their friendship to deepen, and their insights into each other to be enhanced. ...

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