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just email: The Steve

Right Wing Hate; Left Wing Threats

the newspapers just made it up. If you want to believe in something that reinforces your beliefs, at least don't call those seeking reality Un American.

I agree with Carl Pridemore media hypes some stories and ignores others. It happens whether they are politically left or right. It happens often just because media companies are seeking ratings and I think often misjudge how to get them. I brought up my examples to show balance in terms of the right left debate. I dispute only two specific items in his essay. The Kenneth Gladney story has many ambiguities surrounding it. Palin has become some type of celebrity; media obsesses over her because she brings ratings. The Obama college thesis is one of the false accusations covered by factcheck Obama Lies .

Shrill attacks were thrown at Bush that is true. Threats were made by the radical fringe. Obama is also subject to attacks made by a fringe from the extreme right. Whether left or right there are those who make it to the fringe. I believe the politcal spectrum is a circle; move far enough either left or right and you will meet in the extreme.

Obama Logo Bush 2004

The logos really inspire the same emotions for different sides. Some of us saw W bumper stickers and only shook our heads in disbelief. Surely people would have scraped them off by 2007. While others see the Obama stickers and think Obama Zombies Kool Aid drinkers.

Coon Carl Pridemore has shared his thoughts; we are engaging in an ongoing debate follow along Click Here.

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