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just email: The Steve

Please Act Like an Adult:

Brady’s nonsensical answers can be found on YouTube, a reality he’ll want to deny this fall.


Everyone in Illinois must know it is disingenuous to deny a need for a tax increase.  I would suggest a 5 and 5 proposal. Lower sales tax to 5% to encourage the economy; raise income taxes to a 5% rate to pay our debts.  After that, Brady’s 10% cut might have merit. Gov. Quinn’s proposal is as good as any actually proposed by any Illinois politician. Illinois’s most popular Republican, former Governor Edgar is a reasonable voice on the issues.  Maybe it is time to listen to reasonable voices and ignore the screaming. Even in the minority Republicans could be a strong block to break the deadlock between other factions.  I would encourage House Democrats to break from Speaker Madigan, as well.


It is time to be responsible to our children’s future and do the right thing.

Steve Davis | Create Your Badge