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just email: The Steve

Right Wing Hate; Left Wing Threats

Everyone knows during presidential campaigns agitated people get a little loose with the facts. I thought by now some of the hyperbole would recede. Obama seems to inspire a cottage industry of those to whom facts are political opinions. So why are there still a significant number of Birthers ? It is impossible to fake newspaper items of Obama's birth, but facts are only political opinions with the Birther Crowd.


At least, that Taitz woman is thirty minutes past her fifteen minutes of fame.

The foreign birth conspiracy is just one of many crazy theories about Obama. It helps to just click to Obama Lies accusations and facts.

Always keep close at hand

Sometimes media can feed hysteria to allow public opinion to harm careers. Debbi Almontaser was forced out of her administration job at a controversial New York school. What allowed all these fears to gain political clout. Conservative Daniel Pipes and media ended her career because of T shirt she didn't wear or approve purely by hype. Journalistic standards are reverting back to the nineteenth century when

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