
Why the IO

Political Essays List

Return the Whigs

Take them in detail

GOP Intervention

Hey Hill:

The Free Economy

Listen to Zathras

Vote 2014

Captain Planet

Email to Messina

A Visit with Abe

Return to Perdition

A Theory of Wealth

Schock Visits Elmwood

Mr Schock I had a Question

Age of Dudgeon

Rails to Prosperity

The American Dream

Modern Dilemma

This Week that Was

Act like an Adult

A. Lincoln Trips


Nauvoo IL an easy drive from Elmwood

Illinois' Native America Past

Spring Mill Indiana

Burnside Bridge

Lincoln Douglas

early 20th Century Bridge

just email: The Steve

Return of the Whigs  

A New Path after the Fall

October 1, 2016

Rinos Rampage 

True-Trumpers are populist, outraged, and out of control

The Latter Day Fundies want a Christian nation insist that their view of a theocracy is American, when it is plainly unconstitutional and anti-American. They will blame the failure of Trump on his lack of genuine faith, his being an immoral man, and not a Spiritual person. The Latter Day Fundies focus is on an authoritarian Old Testament law of codes that emanate around their God of judgment and punishment. They will blame Trump’s loss on his personal failings and on many in the CorpoPower Elite who give lip service but lack true belief and moral virtue. They will also blame Trump’s loss on those traitor RINOs, but include Trump as being one of the RINOs

The CorpoPower Elite will blame the other two groups for not doing what they are told and not believing what they want them to believe. If they would continue to vote like the unquestioning mythical center right nation they have staked their politics on, it would all be good. This group will blame Trump because he will be a convenient scapegoat. A good scapegoat is worth a great price because it will save them from adjusting their worldview. Self-reflection stretching one’s knowledge to conform to reality or formulate policies based on facts is difficult. They will continue to rely on tried and true slogans that no longer fit the world. The CorpoPower Elite will not blame Trump’s loss on those traitor RINOs, they are the Republicans who are most often called RINOs. They will blame the members of their party who do not know when to shut up and are screwing up the gravy train.

F News Bubble

Reality always rudely intrudes on propaganda spinners

Trump supporters are unlikely to read this essay, or if they began are not still reading this far in. If they were, they might state, but Trump won the primaries and has big rallies. ...

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