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Return the Whigs

Take them in detail

GOP Intervention

Hey Hill:

The Free Economy

Listen to Zathras

Vote 2014

Captain Planet

Email to Messina

A Visit with Abe

Return to Perdition

A Theory of Wealth

Schock Visits Elmwood

Mr Schock I had a Question

Age of Dudgeon

Rails to Prosperity

The American Dream

Modern Dilemma

This Week that Was

Act like an Adult

A. Lincoln Trips


Nauvoo IL an easy drive from Elmwood

Illinois' Native America Past

Spring Mill Indiana

Burnside Bridge

Lincoln Douglas

early 20th Century Bridge

just email: The Steve

Return of the Whigs  

A New Path after the Fall

October 1, 2016

Willing to say anything he was told, possibly able to get immigration and trade agreements they supported. Unfortunately the other two groups are not forgiving or neo-conservatives, they are essentially populists. The True-Trumpers are not part of the center right nation imagined by conservative think tanks. Robotic Rubio sputtered out. Robotic Rubio like many a sci-fi android threat was tricked into revealing his limitations, then left disabled and lost in an infinite loop of logical inconsistencies. I will not analyze any of the other seventeen on the bench, but it would be the same, each candidate could not unite all three factions in the primary.  If Trump was a smarter more grounded person our nation would be in real trouble. He has the que factor, a talent for celebrity cleverness, and an identity with the True-Trumpers. He had the potential when given the keys to the institutional Party’s bus to be chauffeured to the oval office. We are fortunate because women and minorities can vote. America is already great; our diversity is already protecting us from this threat. In a digital age information is archived, can be quickly shared, keeping charlatans from running the same con in an endless string of small towns. Information has kept us safe in this instance.



Some of America is no longer capable of knowing truth from fiction

Therefore the charlatan will not be president, but where will that leave the party of Reagan. All three factions claim to be the true heirs of Reagan.


Andy Griffith played Lonesome Rhodes in the movie A Face in the Crowd


In Reagan they see a romantic mirror, one that always looks like the viewer. In their party they see an institution that like the mirror should look just like them. In the case of our romantic mirror one that looks just like they see themselves. The True-Trumpers focus of unity is patriotism, a strange inconsistent patriotism that is born of Nativism. Placing the constitution above all other documents, while insisting on plainly unconstitutional policies. Honoring the Union while holding a Confederate battle flag, and claiming to be patriots while demeaning and wanting to destroy government. The True-Trumpers are populist, outraged, and out of control. They do not believe nothing from nobody, that nobody sent, knowing nothing is just fine with them. They will blame Trump’s loss on those traitor RINOs, the Republicans in name only.


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