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just email: The Steve

The Republican double standard

My letter Corrupt as Madoff was edited and published by the Peoria Journal Star

February 18, 2017

The Republican double standard

As a nation we have moved very far towards an authoritarian state where the rule of law is waning. I am not trolling or ridiculing anyone; I am asking everyone to question themselves. Where will you stand?

What allows you to ignore actions and events that must trouble everyone, even the most ardent Trump supporter or GOP partisan? Is your outrage so strong that you are moved beyond logic and rational thought?

Our nation nods at behaviors once considered intolerable, corrupt, immoral. Many simply wish to turn away from reality. People quickly run to their favorite partisan bromide. Our government is corrupted by the influence of money. It isn't just liberal women who should be protesting. All of our people, especially the Tea Party sympathizers, should be objecting. It seems the swamp has become very welcome real estate.

" Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania served as secretary of war in the first year of Lincoln's administration. There has always been some serious question of his integrity. Indeed, Thaddeus Stevens, a Pennsylvania Congressman, is reported to have given his opinion that Cameron would steal anything but a red-hot stove.

This quote has been repeated over the years, recently by no less an authority than Shelby Foote, one of the major contributors to the epic PBS series on the Civil War a few years ago. However, that's not exactly how it happened.

When the statement came to Cameron's ears he, in great dudgeon, complained to President Lincoln. There was not much that Lincoln could do except suggest to Stevens that he might care to say he had been misquoted.

Stevens, a harsh curmudgeon of a man, promptly stated that to keep peace within the party he would be pleased to state that he had indeed been misquoted.

What really had been said, he explained, was that Cameron would steal anything, including a red-hot stove ... Source " Yes Trump and the GOP would the steal the stove; making sure the taxpayer continued to buy the coal and pay rent on the vacant space.

A low regard for ethics? No problem. Coal mines polluting streams? No problem. Nominees lying in confirmation hearings? Not a concern. Nominees with no subject knowledge? Not a concern. Conflicts of interest, security risks, foreign contacts, perhaps illegal executive orders ... all remain ignored.

Ask yourself, if Obama had sworn at the national prayer breakfast, falsely claimed there were millions of illegal voters, used an unsecured twitter account, presented false claims after a failed raid in Yemen, insulted Australia, would the GOP be silent? Would the GOP reply, give the new president a chance?

During Obama's presidency, any misstep, even fake scandals, brought investigations and outrage from the GOP. There is none of that from the same people now. Why? Because Trump won. Congressional Republicans know he brought them victory. They fear the Trump. Such moral weakness is an embarrassment.

Those of you who would object to my statements, what tactic will you use? Straw man argument? Ad hominem attack? When you post your complaints about critics like me, try to be fact-based, a quality that eludes Spicer, Conway, Chaffetz, Barasso, McConnell and Ryan.

Demanding honesty used to cut across partisan lines. Now every day brings a new lie, the exposure of corruption, an attack on constitutional rights. This election has ushered in an oligarchy of moneyed influence.

Steve Davis is the Elmwood Township assessor. He lives in Elmwood.

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