
Why the IO

Zeal w/o Knowledge

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PJ Star Ed IL Abuse

IL Abused Spouse

Corrupt as Madoff

Hillbilly Secession

Majority is Majority

Political Essays List

Return the Whigs

Take them in detail

GOP Intervention

Hey Hill:

The Free Economy

Listen to Zathras

Vote 2014

Captain Planet

Email to Messina

A Visit with Abe

Return to Perdition

A Theory of Wealth

Schock Visits Elmwood

Mr Schock I had a Question

Age of Dudgeon

Rails to Prosperity

The American Dream

Modern Dilemma

This Week that Was

Act like an Adult

A. Lincoln Trips


Nauvoo IL an easy drive from Elmwood

Illinois' Native America Past

Spring Mill Indiana

Burnside Bridge

Lincoln Douglas

early 20th Century Bridge

just email: The Steve

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse

Trump may be evil, GOP are worse

December 12, 2018

The GOP has been equally corrupt in taking dark money, pursuing agendas to direct profits to a few and allowing pollution to endanger us all. The Republican Party exists to preserve the privilege of wealth and white men. They possess a mythical vision of a past America that underlies every proposal. Soon the party men like Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Steve Scalise will slither to find harbor from the Trump storm. They will join in pointing the finger of blame on Trump. Trump will become their scapegoat as they try to escape blame and preserve power. We must discredit the policies they support. The modern Republican Party is motivated by short-sighted greed and the materialistic drive of a miser. There are no good or rational actors left in the Republican Party. This is not the Watergate era.


Erlichman helped establish enviromental laws

We need majorities large enough to pass constitutional amendments to assure fair elections, respect for the rights of all people, and the limit corporate power. We need to limit the blackmail corporations use to extort local and state governments. We need to rehabilitate our healthcare system and bring health to healthcare. Large Democratic majorities would mean debates between our most progressive and our most moderate. Policy would start with people making decisions to save our planet, get people healthcare, keep our economy on a level playing field, treat everyone with equality before the law, and make all citizens part of our democracy. These seem like American values, but no one left in the Republican Party supports these goals, there’s no money in it. We must keep the focus on GOP policy atrocities, while using Trump and the investigations as the tool to leave the Republican Party neutered and insignificant. Policy in DC has for too long been influenced by a paradigm defined by think tanks. Conservative ideological think tanks funded by the greedy and the eccentric. We have the opportunity to usher in a new era of change based on equality, efficiency, and promoting health both for humans and the planet. 

Planet B

We need planet to be are one and only prime thing

Horses Iceland

Horses in Iceland


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